Students interested in pursuing skilled trades training apply and undergo a screening process for suitability/participation in the program.
Participating companies interview selected candidates prior to the start of the work placement.
Once accepted, the employer will designate a qualified employee to supervise the student’s training
Work schedules vary but generally occur over a two year period starting with a half day Co-operative Education work placement (second semester) in the student’s year 3/4.
Learning opportunities at the placement are linked with the student’s in-school courses, education plan, training standards, personal goals and abilities, through the development of the Personalized Placement Learning Plan by the teacher, student and placement supervisor
Students participate in structured activities at the school with their peers which integrate the classroom with on-site activities that are vital to the students’ understanding of their experiences.
The teacher meets regularly on-site to assess the student’s progress with the placement supervisor.
Summer employment opportunity may ensue.
The student will complete academic requirements in year 4/5 and return to industry for further training with another half day of Cooperative Education in second semester.
An offer of apprenticeship in the voluntary / non-restricted trades can be made to the student any time during participation in the program.
In restricted trades, the intent to register the student as an apprentice must be made early on, in order to receive training in restricted skill sets as based on the training standards for that trade.
Students earn up to four Co-op credits and up to four Technology credits towards their Ontario Secondary School Diploma upon successful completion of the program.