NCDSB - Faith & Pastoral Care

Michael Buhler is the Pastoral Care Worker for the Northeastern Catholic District School Board.

Faith & Pastoral Care

The Northeastern Catholic District School Board is pleased to offer the services of our Pastoral Care Worker, Michael Buhler, to our students and staff as part of our effort to enhance and enrich our Catholicity. Mr. Buhler continues to be active in all of our school communities, visiting classrooms and working with our teaching and non-teaching staff members. In collaboration with our teaching staff, he enhances and supports the Catholic values, policies and goals of the Board.

Mr. Buhler works with liturgical committees and supports the faith journey of students through relationship building, counseling, opportunities for faith development and retreats. He offers support to teachers in infusing Catholic teaching into all subject areas. He also serves teachers and other staff in adult faith formation. He raises social justice issues with students and staff and provides relevant information as to how we might respond as Catholics to global issues.

As a spiritual guide, he provides insight and gospel teachings while promoting and modeling the mission statement of the Board to " our students on a journey of discovery that celebrates life."

Mr. Buhler can be reached by email at .

Stations of the Cross

Michael Buhler, NCDSB Pastoral Care Worker, created this You Tube video for our students and staff to follow along with as you participate in the Stations of the Cross from your own home.

Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations

This image of the learner was developed by the Institute for Catholic Education in consultation with representatives of the Catholic community across Ontario.

The life roles, knowledge, skills and attitudes outlined in this document describe the distinctive expectations that the Catholic community has for graduates of Catholic secondary schools.

These expectations are based on research which identified current and future educational goals and priorities across the province and enhance the expectations of the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training as outlined in provincial curriculum documents.

NCDSB Virtues of the Month Program

Virtues are the foundation of who we are as Catholics. In our Catholic schools, virtues are woven and embedded throughout the Ministry of Education’s curriculum. We are thrilled to announce changes to our virtues program. Instead of covering one virtue each month, we will be covering one every two months with the idea that the first month will be used to explicitly teach the virtue while the second month will be used to bring the virtue to life.

2025 NCDSB Virtues:

  • January – February: JUSTICE
  • March – April: PRUDENCE
  • May – June: HOPE

  • Parish Information

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