NCDSB - Policies


Here are the policies that are currently in effect throughout the Northeastern Catholic District School Board. These policies are in place to enhance learning in a safe environment for both students and teachers.

Policy Consultation: Your feedback is sought in the development of policies for the Northeastern Catholic District School Board. Go here to view the policies available for consultation.

Policy Administrative Procedure Related Forms and Documents
B - Business, Administration & Finance
B-1 Signing Officers of the Board
B-2 Disposition of Surplus or Obsolete Assets APB002 Disposition of Surplus or Obsolete Assets
B-7 Trustee Honorarium APB007 Trustee Honorarium
B-8 Purchasing APB008 Purchasing
FORM: Declaration of Conflict of Interest
FORM: Non-Competitive Procurement Request
B-9 Administrative Expenses APB009 Administrative Expenses
FORM: General Expense Reimbursement
DOCUMENT: Travel Expense Guidelines and Standard Kilometer Distances One-Way
FORM: Travel Expense Report
B-11 Investment of Board Funds
B-15 Advertising
B-16 School Generated Funds APB016 School Generated Funds
TEMPLATE: Annual Fundraising Plan School Generated Funds
FORM: Change in School Principal and/or Administrative Staff  
P-16 Resolution of Complaints

C - Community Relations
C-2 Communication with the Public
C-3 Community Use of Schools APC003 Community Use of Schools
FORM: Community Use of Schools Key Deposit
DOCUMENT: Schedule of Fees
FORM: Use of School Weight Room Waiver and Release
DOCUMENT: Weight Room/Fitness Safety
C-4 Distribution and Posting of Material APC004 Distribution and Posting Materials
FORM: Distribution of Materials Authorization

E - Education, Schools and Students
E-1 Access to School and Board Premises APE001 Access to Board and School Premises
TEMPLATE: Trespass Letter 
DOCUMENT: Rescinding Trespass to Property Letter 
E-2 Prevalent Medical Conditions APE002 Prevalent Medical Conditions
LETTER: Letter Inviting Parent/Guardian to Meeting to Develop Plan of Care
FORM: Consent Form(Self and/or Employee Administer)
TEMPLATE: EMS School Communication Protocol
FORM: School Personnel Prevalent Medication Condition Training Record
FORM: Plan of Care - Anaphylaxis
FORM: Plan of Care - Asthma
FORM: Plan of Care - Type 1 Diabetes
FORM: Plan of Care - Other
FORM: Medical Incident Record
FORM: Plan of Care - Epilepsy
E-3 Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) APE003 Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL)
FORM: Request for a Supervised Alternative learning Plan (SAL)
FORM: Request to Renew SAL
PLAN: Supervised Alternative Learning Plan (SALP)
PLAN: SAL Transition Plan
TEMPLATE: SAL Employer Agreement 
E-4 Admission of Students APE004 Admission of Students-Elementary and Secondary
FORM: MPAC -Application for Direction of School Support
FORM: School Lease
FORM: Student Information Attestation
FORM: ESL Eligibility Confirmation
FORM: Declaration of Guardianship
FORM: Acknowledgment of Admission Expectations for Elementary Students
FORM: Acknowledgment of Admission Expectations for Secondary Students
FORM: Notification of Withdrawal from Parental Control for Students 16 to 17
FORM: Religious Education Exemption Application - Secondary
FORM: Discernment Conversation Guidelines 
LETTER: Letter of Acknowledgment (Religious Exemption) 
LETTER: Religious Exemption Qualifies 
DOCUMENT: Religious Exemption Does not Qualify 
LETTER: Religious Exemption Does not Qualify 
FORM: Other Pupil Admission
DOCUMENT: Enrolment Register Instructions for Elementary and Secondary Schools
LINK: Enrolment Register Instructions for Elementary and Secondary Schools
FORM: Voluntary Self-Identification Opportunity
FORM: Student Information Attestation
E-5 Special Education APE005-1 Special Education Equipment
APE005-2 Request for a Transitional Support Worker
FORM: Agreement to Borrow SEA Equipment
FORM: Request for SEA Equipment/Technology
FORM: Request for a Transitional Support Worker 
FORM: Request to Modify a Student's School Day
PLAN: NCDSB Special Education Plan
E-6 Provision of Health Support Services in Schools APE006 Provision of Health Support Services in Schools
FORM: Authorization for the Provision of Health Support Services
FORM: Authorization for the Administration of Medication
FORM: Student Record Form for Administration of Medication
E-7 Delegation of Authority APE007 Delegation of Authority
LETTER: Delegation of Authority Acknowledgment
FORM: Delegation of Authority Logging
E-8 Ontario Student Record APE008 Ontario Student Record (OSR)
DOCUMENT: MOE Print Resources Storefront - User Guide
DOCUMENT: Acknowledgment OSR Parent/Guardian/Student 18+
TEMPLATE: Confirmation of Transfer of an Ontario School Record
TEMPLATE: Request for an Ontario Student Record
E-9 School Food and Beverage PPM 150 - School Food and Beverage Policy
E-10 Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting of Student Achievement – Kindergarten to Grade 12
E-11 Selection and Review of Learning Materials APE011 Selection and Review of Learning Materials
E-12 Student Attendance APE012 Student Attendance
FORM: Request for Temporary Excusal
DOCUMENT: Attendance Concern Intervention Process
DOCUMENT: Attendance Support Activities
DOCUMENT: Strategies to Support Re-Introduction to Learning after Prolonged Absenteeism
DOCUMENT: Enrolment Register Instructions for Elementary and Secondary Schools
E-13 Home Instruction APE013 Home Instruction
FORM: Request for Home Instruction
FORM: Medical Information to Support Application
E-14 School Grounds: Enhancements and Equipment APE014 School Grounds: Enhancements and Equipment
FORM: Playground and Equipment Structure Checklist 
E-15 Home Schooling APE015 Home Schooling
LETTER: Notification of Intent to Provide Home Schooling
LETTER: Sample Letter in Response to a Parent's Notification 
DOCUMENT: Gathering of Information from Parent 
E-16 Naming of Schools and Facilities
E-17 Celebrations of Excellence and Graduations
E-18 Community Involvement and Christian Service APE018 Community Involvement and Christian Service
DOCUMENT: Community Involvement and Christian Service - Information Package for Students and Parents
E-19 Educational Excursions APE019-1 Educational Excursions
APE019-2 Use of Private Vehicles to Transport Students
FORM: Request for an Educational Excursion - High Risk
FORM: Parent/Guardian Permission for Overnight Excursion
DOCUMENT: Responsibility Checklist for Supervisors and Principals
FORM: Use of Personal Vehicle to Transport Students
FORM: Request for Educational Excursion - Regular Activity
E-20 Response to Tragic Events APE020 Response to Tragic Events
DOCUMENT: Tragic Events Protocol
DOCUMENT: Loss, Grief and Growth
E-21 Indigenous Self-Identification FORM: Voluntary Self Identification
E-22 Student Use of Guide Dogs and Service Animals APE022 Student Use of Guide Dogs and Service Animals
FORM: Application Request for Guide Dog/Service Dog
FORM: Application Request for Service Animal
LETTER: Sample Letter to Employees and School Permit Holders  
LETTER: Sample Letter to School Community  
LETTER: Sample Letter to the Parents of Students on School Bus  
LETTER: Sample Letter to the Parents of Students in Class(es)  
LETTER: Sample Letter Decision Approving Guide Dog, Service Dog or Service Animal  
LETTER: Sample Letter Decision Denying the Guide Dog, Service Dog or Service Animal  
LETTER: Sample Letter to Employees and School Permit Holders 
DOCUMENT: Principal’s Checklist for Guide Dog/Service Dog 
E-23 Emergency Preparedness APE023 Emergency Preparedness
DOCUMENT: Classroom Poster - Emergency Lockdown Procedure
TEMPLATE: Emergency Preparedness Plan for Students with Special Needs
FORM: School Emergency Prepareness Team Update
DOCUMENT: Classroom Poster - Front Door Lockdown Drill Notice
LETTER: Message to Parents_Guardians Regarding Fire_Evacuation and Emergency Preparedness
DOCUMENT: Bear-Wise Protocol
DOCUMENT: Threat Intake Checklist
FORM: School Fire & Evacuation/Lockdown Drill Report
E-24 Personal Information Management APE024-1 Personal Information Management
APE024-2 Breach of Personal Information
FORM: Consent to the Collection and/or Release of Personal Information
DOCUMENT: NCDSB Retention Schedule
FORM: Privacy Breach Report
E-25 Exemption from Human Development and Sexual Health Education, Elementary APE025 Exemption from Human Development and Sexual Health Education, Elementary
FORM: Exemption from Instruction in Human Development and Sexual Health
E-26 Reporting Abuse APE026 Reporting Abuse
DOCUMENT: Disclosures or Suspicions of Child Abuse
DOCUMENT: Allegations of Child Abuse by a Staff Member on a Student
FORM: Record of Information - Duty to Report
E-27 Control of Head Lice APE027 Control of Head Lice
DOCUMENT: Sample Letter to Families (Confirmed Case) 
DOCUMENT: Head Lice Information Sheet and Response
E-28 Catholic School Councils GUIDE: School Councils - A Guide for Members
FORM: Declaration of Candidacy
E-29 Borrowing Board-Owned Equipment and Technology FORM: Borrowing of Board-Owned Equipment and Technology - Students
FORM: Borrowing of Board-Owned Equipment and Technology - Staff
E-30 Joint Transportation Policy
E-31 Volunteers in Schools LETTER: Request for a Vulnerable Sector Check 
E-32 Equity and Inclusive Education APE032 Equity and Inclusive Education
DOCUMENT: Religious Accommodation Guidelines
E-33 Display of Flags
E-34 Safe Schools APE034-1 Safe Schools: Code of Conduct
APE034-2 Safe Schools: Bullying Prevention and Intervention
APE034-3 Safe Schools: Promoting Positive Student Behaviour
APE034-4 Safe Schools: Suspension and Expulsion
APE034-5 Safe Schools: Expulsion Hearing Guidelines
APE034-6 Safe Schools: Appeals-Student Discipline
DOCUMENT: Bullying Prevention and Intervention Board Plan
TEMPLATE: Bullying Prevention and Intervention School Plan 
REPORT: Safe Schools Incident Report 
LETTER: Notice of Suspension 
DOCUMENT: Hearing Before the Student Discipline Committee Guidelines 
LETTER: Notice of Expulsion Hearing 
LETTER: Expulsion Decision - School 
LETTER: Expulsion Decision - Board 
DOCUMENT: Notice of Determination for Alternative Discipline to Expulsion 
DOCUMENT: Notice of Determination for Alternative Discipline to Expulsion 
LETTER: Notice of Non-Commission of Expulsion Infraction by Expulsion Hearing Panel 
DOCUMENT: NCDSB Code of Conduct
DOCUMENT: NCDSB Code of Conduct - School Template 
FORM: Personal Mobile Device Medical Exemption
E-35 Inclement Weather APE035 Inclement Weather
E-36 Emergency School Closure APE036-1 Emergency School Closure
APE036-2 Power and Water Outages in Schools
E-37 Student Mental Health
E-38 Student Concussion APE038 Student Concussion
FORM: Student-Athlete and Parent-Guardian Review of Concussion Awareness Resources
FORM: Concussion Code of Conduct
FORM: Quick Memory Function Assessment
FORM: Return to Learn and Return to Play Activity Plan
FORM: Concussion Return to Work/Play - Graphic
DOCUMENT: Documentation of Medical Examination
F-1 Accessibility Standards DOCUMENT: NCDSB Multi Year Accessibility Plan
F-3 Pupil Accommodation Review DOCUMENT: MOE Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline
F-5 Community Planning and Partnerships APF005 Community Planning and Partnerships
GUIDE: Early Years Accommodations in School Reference
Ministry of Education - Community Planning and Partnerships
F-6 Teacherages - Moosonee APF006 Teacherages Moosonee
FORM: Residential Tenancy Agreement
H - Health & Safety
H-1 Health & Safety APH001 Reporting of Workplace Injury Illness
GUIDE: CLEVR Employee Incident Reporting Process 
FORM: Health and Safety Concern
DOCUMENT: Incident Investigation IHSA 2022
LINK: Employee Incident Reporting
H-2 Workplace Harassment Prevention NCDSB Workplace Harassment Prevention Program
DOCUMENT: Workplace Harassment Violence Poster
H-3 Workplace Violence Prevention NCDSB Workplace Violence Prevention Program
GUIDE: Workplace Violence in School Boards
H-4 Smoke-Free Environment

I - Information Technology
I-1 Video Surveillance API001 Video Surveillance
I-2 Responsible Use of Information and Communication Technology API002 Responsible Use of Information and Communication Technology
FORM: Responsible Use of Information and Communication Technology- K to 3
I-3 Electronic Monitoring
I-5 Website and Social Media
I-6 Hand Held (Mobile) Wireless Communication Device

P - Personnel and Employee Relations
P-1 Long-Term Leave Without Pay
P-2 Leave for Political or Community Appointments
P-3 Indemnification of Members of the Board and Employees
P-5 Criminal Background Checks and Offence Declarations APP005 Criminal Background Checks and Offence Declarations
APP005 Criminal Background Checks and Offence Declarations
FORM: Offence Declaration
P-6 Hiring - Conflict of Interest
P-7 Performance Appraisals APP007-1 Performance Appraisals (New Teachers)
APP007-2 Performance Appraisals (Experienced Teachers)
APP007-3 Performance Appraisals (Non-Teaching Staff)
APP007-4 Performance Appraisals (Principals and Vice-Principals)
APP007-5 Performance Appraisals (Supervisory Officers)
APP007-6 Probationary Period Evaluation
APP007-7 Long Term Occasional (LTO) Teacher Evaluation
DOCUMENT: Areas for Discussion at Review Meeting 
DOCUMENT: Description of Core Competencies (Non-Teaching) 
TEMPLATE: Improvement Plan (Non-Teaching) 
REPORT: LTO Teacher Evaluation  
TEMPLATE: Performance Appraisal Summative Report (Managers, Supervisors and Leads)) 
TEMPLATE: Performance Appraisal Summative Report (Non-Teaching) 
TEMPLATE: Probationary Period Evaluation 
P-8 Progressive Discipline of Employees APP008 Progressive Discipline
P-9 Recruitment and Selection APP009 Recruitment and Selection
FORM: Application for Certified Occasional Teaching
DOCUMENT: Composition of Interview Teams
DOCUMENT: NCDSB Faith Reference Portfolio
FORM: Pastoral Reference
P-10 Principal and Vice-Principal Transfers APP010 Principal and Vice-Principal Transfers
TEMPLATE: Principal Profile
DOCUMENT: Principal Profile Reference Document
P-12 NCDSB Staff Uniforms
P-13 Employee Support Program
P-16 Resolution of Complaints APP016 Resolution of Complaints
FORM: Resolution of Complaints
P-17 Employee Travel for Board Business
P-18 Line of Responsibility
P-19 Right to Disconnect from Work APP019 Right to Disconnect from Work

T - Trustees
T-6 Electronic Meetings APT006 Electronic Meetings
T-8 Delegations to Board Meetings APT008 Delegations to Board Meetings
T-9 Director of Education Performance Appraisal APT009 Director of Education Performance Appraisal
FORM: Stakeholder Questions
FORM: Summative Appraisal Report
T-10 Public Participation
T-11 Replacement of a Trustee APT011 Replacement of a Trustee
T-14 Trustee Support Services APT014 Trustee Support Services
DOCUMENT: Travel Expense Guidelines and Standard Kilometer Distances One-Way
FORM: Trustee Travel Expense Report
T-15 Student Trustees
T-16 Policy Development and Approval APT016 Policy Development and Approval
TEMPLATE: Policy Template

Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention DOCUMENT: Be Safe Pocket Card (Central, North, South)
DOCUMENT: Be Safe Pocket Card (Moosonee)
FORM: NCDSB Student Action Plan (Be Safe)
DOCUMENT: Suicide Intervention Flow Chart (Central, North, South)
DOCUMENT: Suicide Intervention Flow Chart (Moosonee)
FORM: Suicide Risk Management Review: Active Suicide Attempt (AWARE)
FORM: Suicide Risk Management Review: Active Suicide Attempt (URGENT)
Protocol for Partnerships with External Agencies
Ontario North East Region Police and School Board Protocol
Secondary School Organizational Units Department Heads
Joint Protocol for Student Achievement (JPSA)
Tragic Events DOCUMENT: Loss, Grief and Growth
Child Protection Investigations: A Joint Protocol
Anti-Sex Trafficking DOCUMENT: Community Agencies and Organizations
Bear Wise Protocol

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